This audio supported Online Virtual School of Sindhi language (on elementary level) was developed and hosted by Romanized Sindhi Founding Committee, who thank ASAA/AGSA, I. I. of Sindhology Adipur and several Sindhi language specialists who helped achieve approval of version of Romanized Sindhi Script used herein, for Global Sindhi use.



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In the year 2006, Arjan Daswani of Singapore, took mantle from late Dada Govind L Chandiramani of Mumbai, to bring late Dada’s version of Romanized Sindhi Script (on which Dada said that his first article was published in Hindvasi in the year 1997) to the level of acceptance for use by Global Sindhi Community.

In that respect, at that time, Arjan sought support from ASAA (now AGSA or Alliance of Global Sindhi Associations Inc.) who promised to assist. The Founding Committee of the project of Romanized Sindhi, respectively the current Committee of the volunteers on this project , thank and are grateful to both organizations named above and who went all the way to help achieve the Standardized version of Romanized Sindhi Script for Global Sindhi use, and which came into reality at the specially organized Summit conference of renowned Sindhi language Scholars, Professors and Linguists of India, at Sindhu Bhavan, Ahmadabad, India on 28-29 March 2010.

Special thanks also are due to Dada Lakhmi Khilnani of Indian Institute of Sindhology, who organized all the arrangements for the said Conference at the approach of Prof Dr Devendra Kodwani of UK and also to ASAA President Dr Dayal Meshri and ASAA chairman Mr Prem Lalvani who came all the way to Chair and respectively Co-chaired the Conference.

Upon this achievement, the late Dada used this approved version of Romanized Sindhi Scrip to create stories and jokes which he uploaded on his website Arjan thus completed the Mantle he took from late Dada Chandiramani to his satisfaction.

ASAA too satisfactorily completed their role of rendering help which Arjan sought from them for achievement of the Standardized version of Romanized Sindhi Script. Global Sindhi Community should be proud of them.

Arjan Daswani realized that the Script itself would mean nothing unless used. Therefore, on his own accord and passion he created audio supported tutorials which he got uploaded at with great support from his colleagues on the Founding Committee. After consulting with his founding Committee and with ASAA chairman Mr Prem Lalvani . Arjan brought this virtual school of Sindhi language under the flagship of ASAA on 31 December 2010.

However within one year Mr Prem Lalvani told Arjan Daswani that he did not find anyone at ASAA who could captain this Romanized Sindhi project the right way after Arjan is gone and suggested the Indian Institute of Sindhology, Adipur might be the right people to look after this virtual school. Arjan Daswani discussed with his Founding Committee and Dada Lakhmi Khilnani of Indian Institute of Sindhology, Adipur . During ASAA's Sindhi Sammelan at Ahmadabad in December 2011 Dr Dayal Meshri signed the transfer of this project which Dada Lakhmi Khilnani accepted and also signed it. I was happy at that.

However unfortunately two years thence proved that Indian Institute of Sindhology had bigger things to do and really had no time for upbringing of this virtual school of Sindhi learning. Therefore, in consultation with his Founding Committee and ASAA Chairman Mr Prem Lalvani, Arjan Daswani took back the project of this virtual school of Sindhi learning on his shoulders in September 2013 and has been managing it in consultation and with support of his colleagues on Romanized Sindhi Committee till today.

Dada Lakhmi helped to type on excel sheets meanings of 10,000 dictionary English words to Romanized Sindhi, words which were given by late Dada Chandiramani before his demise. For this work Romanized Sindhi Committee is grateful. Arjan Daswani Organized a donation for that which went by wire transfer directly in to Bank account of Indian Institute of Sindhology, Adipur.

Alliance of Sindhi Associations of Americas, respectively Alliance of Global Sindhi Associations Inc have been very kind to this project and have always allowed workshops organized through this website at the Sindhi Sammelans. This is a great act by them for the benefit of Sindhi language and Sindhi Community.

Similarly, Indian Institute of Sindhology, Adipur have always been kind and helpful to this project to the best of their ability.

roject of Romanized Sindhi seeks blessings and continued support from these two Organizations for the good of Sindhi language and Sindhi Community.

Project of Romanized Sindhi wishes to advise that meanwhile Sindhi language Authority of Sindh Pakistan have put up almost the same version of Romanized Sindhi Script as that of Romanized Sindhi Org at their official website. Please compare the two versions at following links:
Romanized Sindhi Org (ours) at ,
View that of Sindhi language authority of Sindh here

Romanized Sindhi Committee requests the two supporting Organizations named above to please help bring Romanized Sindhi Script in the educational system of India or else the Sindhi teaching schools in India are dwindling and will vanish away if not checked on right now.


Please view here what late Revered Dada J P Vaswani said:, Please do something quick enough. Thanks.

This virtual school of learning and teaching of Sindhi language on elementary level was hosted by large efforts of Arjan Daswani of Singapore, with support of his colleagues on the Founding Committee namely late Dada Govind L Chandiramani of Mumbai, Prof Dr Devendra Kodwani of UK, Col )Ret'd) Ram Gulrajani of UK, on 31 December 2010.

After demise of Dada Chandiramani on 26 December 2011, in the year 2012 Mrs Kajal A Ramchandani, a Senior teacher of Sindhi language at Jai Hind College Mumbai, and Dr Vijay Bhatia of Philadelphia, PA, USA, were co-opted and Romanized Sindhi committee which now consists of five members. Additionally, Dada Kamal Mirchandani of Fremont, CA, helps the project as and when he is free and is able to render his helping hand.

All members of Romanized Sindhi Committee are independent volunteers and are not obligated to or governed by any Organization

All expense on the creation of this virtual school of Sindhi language were paid, right from the beginning till today by the donations from the well wishers of Sindhi language, organized by Arjan Daswani.

Please view full story at

Please view attaching photographs here

At this time, Arjan Daswani is looking for some one capable and interested to take over this project and to captain it, in consultation and support of the Romanized Sindhi committee including Arjan till he lives.

For all enquiries and feedback please email to



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