This audio supported Online Virtual School of Sindhi language (on elementary level) was developed and hosted by Romanized Sindhi Founding Committee, who thank ASAA/AGSA, I. I. of Sindhology Adipur and several Sindhi language specialists who helped achieve approval of version of Romanized Sindhi Script used herein, for Global Sindhi use.

Audio and Text Lessons

A note from Arjan T Daswani Singapore
LESSONS (Coordinator of this project)
On behalf of the Founding Committee.
Tel. (65) 68540798
Feedback to”

Hello friends

Before I come to the point that has prompted me to write this note, let me first thank once more, a11 those Professors, my Romanized Sindhi Committee colleagues, Sindhi Alliance USA, Sindhology Adipur, Sindhu Bhavan Ahmedabad officials and other respected seniors of the Community who attended the Ahmedabad Summit conference 29-30 March 2010 and made this historical event possible.

The main point that concerns here is that it has not been easy to achieve lessons with audios. The reason is that the Sindhi population that we generally see around us is all "post partition” and born in scattered areas of not only India but also of the entire world. The pre- partition born Sindhis have remained but few and OLD. Almost all present Sindhi population have to some or the other extent adopted local accents. Thus a Sindhi in Bhopal speaks a little different Sindhi than a Sindhi in Ulhasnagar; similarly Calcutta and Mumbai and so too in other areas of the world. The difference was there in Sindh too but generally Sindhi language of Central Sindh used to be followed in the Schools. It is a little different now but even though the educationalists have tried to make Sindhi education books “centralized”, my experience shows that the population, while recording voice, some way or other slip away from what and how it is pronounced in the books and tend to pronounce the way they speak in their areas. Same thing happened on this project. I had to re-record and re-record several times; in some cases where the pronunciation errors were too obvious, because of time constraint, I had to take off some pages of the lessons. Still some words might have gone into recording with some little errors unnoticed by me and for that I apologize but I promise that, if given a chance, I will supervise better in the future. Readers are requested kindly to submit feedback for any error corrections or improvements.
Gratefully yours,
Arjan Daswani Singapore.