Romanized Sindhi |
English Equivalent |
Arabic sindhi Equivalent |
Audio |
1. b^ as in b^ilee, b^akree, b^aara, b^olee, kab^atu |
cat, goat, children, language, cupboard |
ٻلي ٻڪري ٻارن ٻولي ڪٻٽ
2. b^ileea khe kheeru pyaar |
give milk to the cat. |
ٻلي کي کير ڏيو
3. b^akreea khe gaahu khaaraai |
give grass to the goat |
بڪري کي گھه ڏيو
4. b^aaran saa'n raa'nd~i kar |
play with the children |
ٻارن سان کيڏو
5. kahir^ee b^oleea me'n vetha g^aalhaaeen? |
what language are they talking in? |
ڪيھري ٻولي ۾ ويٽا گالاين
6. kab^atu khol |
open the cupboard |
ڪٻٽ کول
7. d^ as in d^aad^o, d^aha, d^akee, d^ed^aru, gaad^ee |
grandfather, ten, scared, frog, train or cart |
ڏاڏو ڏھه ڊڄڻ ڏيڏر ريل
8. peeu jo peeu th~iyo d^aad^o |
father's father is grandfather |
پيءُ جو پيءُ ڏاڏو آھي
9. moo'nkhe d^aha hazaar rupyan jee sakhht~ zaroorat~ aahe |
i need rs. 1oooo urgently |
مون کي ڏھه ھزار روپين جي سڪت ضرورت آھي
10. maa'n pa'nhi'nje peeu khaa'n d^aka'nd~o aahyaa'n |
i am scared of my father |
مان پنھنجي پيءُ کان ڊڪان ٿو
11. raat~i je vakt~u d^ed^ara d^aadho gor^ u ka'nd~aa aahin |
frogs make too much noise at night |
رات جي وقت ڏيڏر ڍاڍو گھور ڪندا آھن
12. treni leti aahe |
the train is late |
ريل ليٽ آھي
13. heea dhag^e gaad^ee aahe |
this is a bullocks' cart. |
ھي ھڪ بيل گادي آھي
14. fakeeru, faraasee, phura luta |
beggar,mat loot. |
فقير قراسي فور لوٽ
15. heeu fakeeru roz sau rupyaa gad^u ka'nd~o aahe. |
this beggar collects one hundred rupees a day |
ھي بيکاري ھڪ ڏينھن ۾ ھڪ سؤ رپيا گڏ ڪندو آھي
16. heea t~a d^e vaa'ngur shai aahe |
this is mat like material |
ھي تڌي وانگر شي آھي
17. dhaar^elan g^otha khe lutyo |
dacoits looted the village |
ڌايلن گوٿ کي لوٽيو
18. aag~uri, bed~o, b^ooto, aag~ootho, sig~a, theek |
finger, egg, plant,thumb, horns,okay |
آڱر بيضو ٻوٽو آڱوٺو سينگ ٺيڪ
19. hikr^e hath~a me'n chaari aa'ng~riyoo'n aahin |
there are four fingers in one hand |
ھڪ ھٿ ۾ چار آڱريون آھن
20. vaag~an~u had~a savaad~ee aahe. |
eggplant is very tasty |
واڱڻ ھد سووادي آھي
21. harhika hath~a me'n hiku aag~ootho aahe. |
there is one thumb in one hand |
ھر ھڪ ھٿ ۾ ھڪ آڱوٺو آھي
22. dhag^e khe sig~a aahin |
a bull has horns |
ڍڱي کي سينگ آھن
23. theek aahe |
it is okay |
ٿيڪ آھي
24. g^othu, g^ichee, g^itaa, g^aain~u |
village,neck,cheek, sing |
ڳوٺ ڳچي گال ڳائڻ
25. maa'n hikr^e na'ndhre g^otha me’n raha'nd~o aahyaa'n |
i live in a small village |
مان ھڪ ننڍري ڳوٺ ۾ رھندو آھيان
26. hunakhe th~ulhee g^ichee aahe. |
he has a thick neck. |
ھنکي ٿولي ڳچي آھي
27. asaa'nkhe b^a g^itaa aahin |
we have two cheeks. |
اسان کي ٻه ڳثا آھن
28. hee besuro vetho g^aae. |
he is singing out of tune. |
ھي بيسورو ويٿو گائي
29. ghh_as in___, ghhalat~, ghhaaleecho |
wrong, carpet |
غلط غاليچو
30. j^_as in j^ibha, j^aaru, j^aan~a, vaj^aain~u, bhaaj^ee |
tongue, net, knowledge, play instrument, vegetablei |
ڄڀ ڄار ڄائڻ وڄايڻ ٻاڄي
31. j^ibha b^aahir na kadhu |
don't take out your tongue |
ڄڀ ٻاھر نه ڪڌ
32. j^aara mei'n machhiyoo'n aahin |
fishes are in the net |
ڄار ۾ مڇيون آھن
33. hina khe jaam ilmu aahe... |
he has a lot of knowledge |
ھن کي جام ئلم آھي
34. b^aaru raa'nd~i vetho kare. |
the child is playing |
ٻار راند ويٿو ڪري
35. chhaa, tamaato bhaaj^ee aahe? |
is tomato a vegetable? |
ڇا ٽماثو ٻاجي آھي
36. j~_____ as in maj~u, vaj~u, uj~a, j^aj~a |
agree, go, thirst, man’s wedding procession |
مڃ وڃ اُڃ جڃ
37. maa’n t~osaa’n sahmat~ aahiyaa’n |
i agree with you |
مان توسان صھمت آھيان
38. hut~e vaj~u |
go there |
ھوٺي وڃ
39. moo'nkhe uj~a aahe |
i am thirsty |
مونکي اُڃ آھي
40. chhaa t~a vad^ee j^aj~a aahe! |
what a big (wedding) procession! |
ڇا ت وڌي جڃ آھي
41. khh_____ as in khhat~u, khhabara |
letter, news |
خط خبر
42. mu'nkhe khhat~u aayo aahe |
i have received a letter |
مونکي خط آھيو آھي
43. mu'nkhe kaa khhabara chaar b^udh~aai |
tell me some news. |
مونکي ڪا خبر چار بھوداي
44. n~_ as in paan~ee, raan~ee, van~u phan~oto, ghan~aa |
water, queen, tree, comb, how many |
پاڻي راڻي وڻ ڦڻوٽو گھڻان
45. hee t~amaam saaf paan~ee aahe. |
this is very clean water |
ھي تمام صاف پاڻي آھي
46. hina raaj^a jee raan~ee t~amaam hooshyaar aahe. |
the queen of this kingdom is very clever |
ھن راجئ جي راڻي تمام ھوشيار آھي
47. heeu vad^o van~u aahe. |
this is big tree. |
ھي وڏو وڻ آھي
48. vaaran khe phan~ee d^e. |
comb your hair |
وارن کي ڦڻي ڌه
49. hut~e ket~riyoo'n b^ilyoo'n aahin? |
how many cats are there? |
اُتي ڪيتريون ٻليون آھن
50. r^_as in koor^, maar^ee, b^ur^ee, d^aar^hee, par^hu |
lie, upstairs, zero, beard, read or study |
ڪوڙ ماڙي ٻڙي ڏاڙھي پڙ
51. koor^ na g^aalhaai |
don't lie |
ڪوڙ نه ڱايھ
52. maa’n maar^eea t~e rahand~o aahyaa’n |
I live upstairs . |
مان ماڙي تي رھوندو آھين
53. t~u'nhi’njee kaamyaabeea jo chaans b^uree aahe (bilkul konhe). |
your chance of success is zero. |
توھان جي ڪاميابي جو موفعو صغر آھي
54. hinakhe ghaatee kaaree d^ar^hee aahe |
he has a thick black beard |
ھن کي ڱھاٽي ڏاڙھي آھي
55. jet~ro vadh~eek par^hand~e’n, ot~ro ee tu'nhi'nje laai sutho aahe |
the more you read, better it is for you. |
جيترو وڌيڪ پڙھندي اوتروتنھنجي لاه سوٽو آھي
56. z_____ as in zaalim, zanjeer, zaala, maiza |
cruel, chain, wife/woman, table |
ظالم زنجير زال ميز
57. heeu t~amaam zaalim aahe |
he is very cruel. |
ھي تمام ظالم آھي
58. heea loha maa'n thahiyala, mazboot~u zanjeera aaaahe. |
this is a strong chain made out of iron. |
ھي لوه مان ٿيل مضبوت زنجير آھي
59. kahr^ee t~a zaala aahe! |
what a woman! |
ڪنھري ت زال آھي
60. maiza je ag^yaa'n kursiyoo'n rakhu |
put the chairs before the table. |
ميز جي اگيان ڪرسيون رک